Guiding Your Family – Anxiety

Anxiety is a killer that has become a common struggle in schools, workplaces, and the church. The problem is that a lot of people think they are not qualified to deal with issues like this, so Matt and Tim are starting a new series focused on helping you guide your kids (or yourself) through these difficult issues. You will learn about how to deal with sin through alliteration (speak, soak, serve) and plenty of Bible verses that talk about anxiety. Anxiety is not fun, but God is still in control no matter how you feel.

Passages – Proverbs 3:5-8, 16:33, 17:22; Philippians 4:4-7

Resources – Why Am I Feeling Like This?: A Teen's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety and Depression by David Murray
Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?: A Guide for Helping Teens through Anxiety and Depression by David Murray

Find a biblical counselor near you: ACBC, CCEF, and ABC
You can also find helpful articles on their websites that deal with many topics.